Is the Bonusgate Corruption Scandal a Campaign Issue?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Eachus Failed to Make Tough Choices


On July 14, 2010 the Standard Speaker ran an article entitled “Eachus: More tough choices ahead.” The problem with this year’s budget is that only the taxpayers are being asked to make tough choices. The Legislature lined the budget with more money for themselves while decreasing services to such groups as Veterans (a $1.26 million reduction), student PHEAA grants (a $15.3 million decrease), and State Police (a $7.1 million decrease). While local libraries suffer from a statewide funding cut of $5.5 million dollars, the Arlen Specter Library is being created in Philadelphia with $10 million dollars of taxpayer money. This makes no sense. Are we supposed to drive our children to Philadelphia for good books?

This year, families had to make the tough choice of not going on vacation because they cannot afford it. At the same time, our legislature increased their own legislative budget by $1.3 million dollars. This is only to be expected from a representative who collected $26,000 in per diems last year ($10,000 of which were racked up during the budget impasse).

This is the same representative who voted himself a pay raise and gave himself a 50% pension increase. Currently, our legislature is under fire for being one of the most expensive, bloated legislatures in the country. It is also the subject of the Bonusgate Grand Jury investigation which alleges lawmakers are illegally using tax dollars to campaign and maintain their well-paid, well-perked positions. Increasing the legislative budget is an insult to the taxpayers and the agencies that will go without this year. This is a classic example of how our legislature treats us, the taxpayers: Do as I say and not as I do. We Deserve Better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Todd has failed to make tough choices for a long time... His time is up. What about term limits?